Sentir en commun. Une approche rhétorique de la sociabilité

  • Victor Ferry
  • Roberta Martina Zagarella


This paper is an inquiry on the relationship between the human ability to share others’ feelings thanks to a mechanism of simulation and one of the functions of rhetoric: maintaining social cohesion through epideictic speeches. As a starting point of this inquiry, we go back to Aristotle’s concept of synaesthesia (from the ancient Greek syn=together and aisthesis=sensation). We then clarify the extent to which this concept can be used to provide a naturalistic account of the feeling of concord that the orator intends to create through praise and blame


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How to Cite
Ferry, V. and Zagarella, R. M. (1) “Sentir en commun. Une approche rhétorique de la sociabilité”, Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio, 00. Available at: (Accessed: 15February2025).

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