The Importance of Aesthetics for the Evolution of Language
This paper aims to investigate how aesthetics can foster the evolution of language. For this purpose, it is first necessary to define the two terms of research and their ecosystemic function from a broader perspective than that of many authors who, in reasoning about the relationship between aesthetics and language, circumscribe them to their symbolic products. We have therefore adopted the perspective of biosemiotics or, more specifically, the Modeling System Theory by Thomas Sebeok and Marcel Danesi.This allows us to state that aesthetics and language are two modeling systems useful for creating models of the surroundings, and they originate in a typically averbal and iconic modeling system: the Primary Modeling System. Assuming that language and aesthetics are not limited to the verbal symbolic sphere, we can advance the hypothesis that aesthetics is a particular modeling system that allows all living beings to grasp meaningful differences and similarities in the Umwelt, then synthesize them into classificatory connections. However, the outcome of such a system can never be taken for granted and often involves trial and error.In the aesthetics-linguistic relationship, these are the variable and chance elements that may (or may not) allow for the emergence of novelty.
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