"The man must work". Stress as a category of the spirit in the age of linguistic capitalism

  • Marco Mazzeo
Keywords: Benjamin, Marx, Operaism, Resilience, Selye


The article will attempt to better understand an everyday but mysterious phenomenon, stress. To this end, the article will analyze the most relevant works of Hans Selye, the endocrinologist who coined the concept with the aim of proposing a precise thesis. Stress is so difficult to define because it is both a physiological mechanism and a category of experience typical of the contemporary world. Stress is the experience in the world in which work and life are indistinct, which is why it is a category analogous to what W. Benjamin in the early 20th century called ‘shock’.


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How to Cite
Mazzeo, M. (2023) “"The man must work". Stress as a category of the spirit in the age of linguistic capitalism”, Rivista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio, 17(2). doi: 10.4396/202312013.